The AMBM Group today announced the publication of its Federal Policy Brief outlining the key economic development and infrastructure priorities of Manitoba’s bilingual municipalities.
With the 2019 federal election this fall, the AMBM Group is seeking to engage in a dialogue with federal stakeholders with a view to sharing the vision and initiatives of Manitoba’s bilingual municipal leadership and setting the stage to stimulate its partnership with the Government of Canada.
The AMBM Group has therefore prepared six recommendations aimed at increasing the effectiveness, efficiency and coherence of economic development and infrastructure in Manitoba’s bilingual municipalities.
For the AMBM Group, investing within viable and sustainable infrastructure is the very pillar of the economic development and prosperity of its communities.
Whether it is tourism, social, sustainable or digital development infrastructure, some fundamental principles are central to the investment priorities of the AMBM’s municipal government members. These principles are: economic efficiency, the added value French brings to bilingualism, social solidarity and environmental protection.
The infrastructure investment priorities of the AMBM Group are based on the 2019-2020 Priority Infrastructure Investment Plan for Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities.
A total of some 50 “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects valued at approximately $138 million have been identified.
For more information: Justin Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, 204-289-4077, [email protected].